Search Engine Optimization: “Boost Your Website’s Visibility”

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is made up of two words, the first is search engine and the second is optimization. Search engine is a software system Which is designed to search or find information from the World Wide Web which we call search engine. Now, we talks about optimization. optimization means To make the best use something perfectly. so, now what I means to say here is that is search engine optimization is the process of making your website better for search engine so, it can be rank higher.

Types Of Search Engine Optimization

types of SEO

1 On-Page SEO- On-page is a type of search engine optimization. In which optimizing the structure and content of the website by accessing the back-end part of the website. It helps in making SEO and user friendly website. The main goal of on-page SEO is to help in crawling and indexing our website.

Checklist of on-page SEO

seo checklist

1 Title Tag- Primary keyword should be included in Title tag and do not do keyword stuffing. It should be creative and short. The length of Title Tag is 52-62 characters.

2 Meta Description- Meta Description is a shot paragraph of your post. Which is shown in Google’s search engine. Meta Description in the blog should be definite. Any post or page created should have a meta description. Unless there is a meta description, Google will not rank that post. The length of meta description should be 160 character and Focus keyword should be there.

3 ALT Text- is a tag that we put on an image and it tells what is inside this image i.e, describes the image.

4 Meta Title- is a title which is shown on the page of search should be 52-62 character long, and Must contain Focus keyword, power word, CTA Text, numeric value.

5 URL Optimization-A URL is a web address. which is unique address or resources on the web Eg: is a URL it’s the web address of digifoxi’s home page. URL improves the user experience. Using your target keyword in the URL can help your page rank better.

6 Heading Tags- It should be 7 heading in content and Must contain focus keyword and LSIs in them. Heading tags improve the readability and SEO of a webpage.

7 Internal Link And External Link-An internal link is a link to another page of your own website. An external link is link that link from your website to a different website.

There are 2 kinds of external links: Do-Follow And No-Follow

Do-follow link pass on ranking power to your website to the target page, while no-follow link do not pass.

8 Anchor Text Optimization-These are some text that are clickable because there is a hyperlink, behind them, a link is attached to them And that’s why they are called anchor text.

9 Keyword Density- keyword density is a term that describes the percentage of keywords used in our content. That means how many times we have included a keyword in our content. Ideal keyword density range should be between 1 and2%.

10 Keyword Prominence And proximity- Keyword prominence Put the Focus keyword at the top or at the front in our content. Proximity means how close two or more keywords are to each other within the content.

2 Off-Page SEO– Off-Page is a search engine optimization technique which helps the website to improve its ranking on the search engine result page. we optimize our website with the help of external sources like social media, Facebook ads, google ads and E-mail marketing.

off-page seo

1 Backlink- A backlink is a link created when one website link to another website. Whenever an external website provides a link to our website in our content, that link is called backlink. backlink is important for SEO because they represent trust one website to another website and it also defines the authority of your domain.

2 Social Media– social Media is a good way to increase your search engine ranking creating a post that brings traffic to your website from any social media shows search engine that your site must have great content. The search engines then pushes your site higher and this will bring more traffic.

3 Reviews-Reviews should always be genuine. If there are even 10 reviews on your website, then they should be genuine so that the future reviews can also be genuine. This helps you a lot in off-page Search engine Optimization. Reviews directly affect the search engine optimization of your website because reviews only reveal how the services of any company or the products of any business are.

4 Link Building- Link building is a process where one website promotes links from another website. It directly affects your website. To build a good authority, the links should be relevant to whatever product or service you want to provide.

3 Technical-SEO- Technical Search Engine Optimization refers to website and server optimizations that help to search engine spiders Crawl and Index your site more effectively to help your website’s web pages better for search engines so that it can be rank higher.

technical seo

Benefits of Technical Search Engine Optimization

1.It helps in achieving better ranking.

2.It improves page speed of our website.

3.Eliminate the duplicate content (like canonical error)

4.You can setup structure data

5.Helps locate website structure and navigation issues.

Checklist of Technical-SEO

technical seo checklist

1 Sitemap.XML- XML sitemap is a file that is not visible to the user, but it is designed to help search engine find all the pages on your website.

2 Sitemap. HTML- HTML sitemap is a page or structure of pages that link to every user- accessible page on a website. It helps to improve the site of usability by clarifying the data structure of a website.

3 Robot.txt- It is the file in which we give instructions to google crawlers which page/URLs a crawler can/can’t crawl, where we just use some allow and disallow code.

4 Canonical Tag- Canonical tag is a tag which used for telling crawler about the copy of a webpage on your website. If you are using the same content of two different page on your website then you have to mention which one is original and which one is copy for this you have to use canonical tag which define the original or copied content on your website.

Why Search Engine Optimization Is Important?

why SEO is important?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very important process which helps a website to ranking high in results of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. This helps you to reach maximum audiences and maintain your visibility on internet. By performing SEO you can also benefit from expertise, credibility and increased website traffic, which enhances performance of your website and strengthen your online presence .


Search engine optimization is adopted to get good ranking of the website in search engines. Its purpose is to provide specific information users with. SEO includes optimization like Keyword research, backlink, website quality and social media. SEO gives the website a more visible. Helps in meeting business objectives and is helpful in increasing online reach, making it easier for users to reach the required services and products.


1. Is it important for SEO to have a mobile-friendly website?

Ans Yes, Is it important for SEO to have a mobile-friendly website. due to increasing use of mobile devices, search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites. A good mobile experience can positively impact your SEO.

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