“Pollution Peril: A Closer Look To The Environment Of Delhi”

Environment of Delhi has been a matter of concern due to various aspects contributing to pollution. Here are some key points about environment of Delhi.


Vehicle Emission When fuel is sucked inside the engine cylinder, then power is generated in the engine. Along with the power, some gases are also produced formed from the fuel, which we know by the name exhaust gases.

These exhaust gases are released into the atmosphere in the form of smoke. This smoke contains many types of harmful gases and many harmful substances, which mix in the atmospheric air and pollute the air. The release of these harmful gases and substances from the engine is called emission.

Engine or vehicle emissions can be divided into two categories:

  • Evaporative emissions
  • Exhaust emissions

Sources of pollutants

  • Hydrocarbon (HC) : petrol, diesel, gases and all fuels are hydrocarbons
  • Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) : petrol, diesel and burning coal
  • Carbon monoxide (CO) : burning fuels, including gas, wood
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) : oil, coal and fossil fuel
  • Particulates : dust, dirt, soot, smoke all are particulates
vehicle emission

Crop residue Burning Every year the environment of Delhi becomes very polluted due to crop residue burning . The crop residues left after harvesting are burnt. To Prepare for the next crop as soon as possible, farmers usually burns these residues, which pollute the air.

Due to burning of residues Nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur are destroyed. so many burning remains produce a lot of harmful gases like black carbon and smoke which is very dangerous for pregnant women, newly born babies, elderly and animals.

The biggest cause of the worsening diseases like asthma and cancer in India are these harmful gases, which are taking our country into a serious state of health crisis.

crop burning residue

Industries and factoriesDue to excessive use of fossil industries and factories are destroying the environment of Delhi. although pollution caused by industry is the main cause of air pollution. Industries burn fossil fuels and release large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

when people burn fossil fuel Then sulfur-dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere. These gases react with water, oxygen and other substances to form of sulfuric and nitric acid. The waste material of factories is dumped into the river and pure water is polluted.

wastewater from factories usually discharged into nearby water bodies, contain harmful substances like toxic chemicals, grease and oil that cause water pollution.

industries and factories

Pollution by Transportation Pollution by transportation is one of main cause of air pollution in Delhi .The environment of Delhi is becoming polluted day by day due to increasing transportation. By which people are facing so many problems in life. Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation come from burning fossil fuel for our cars, trucks, bus and train.

Due to increasing number of vehicles, there is congestion on the road due to which there is traffic jam on the roads. ever since humans abandoned animal power for travel pollution in the environment has increased more and more its levels have only been increasing until now, similarly to industries, pollution caused transport can mainly be attributed to fossil fuels.

Indeed, humans went from horse carriages to cars, trains ( which before electricity, used to be propelled by coal), Traffic is increasing every day in the environment of Delhi, due to which pollution is also increasing.

pollution by transport

Construction Dust construction dust is a significant contributor to the problem of air pollution in environment of Delhi. it generates various types of construction activities like excavation, demolition, drilling and material handling. This dust made up of fine particles such as sand ,cement and silica increases particulate matter pollution.

Exposure to construction dust cause health risks, including respiratory problem and lung conditions like asthma and bronchitis. To combat this problem by taking some preventive measures such as covering sites, using water spray to wet the dust. reducing construction dust is essential broader efforts to enhance Delhi’s air quality and ensure the well-being of its residents.

construction dust

Agricultural activitiesIn environment of Delhi Agricultural activities is one of the reason for water pollution . Now a days so many chemicals and pesticides are uses in fields . Almost all pesticides are made from chemical substances and are meant keep diseases and threatening animals away from the crops. That’s why by keeping these forms of life away It is also harmful for the environment as well.

agricultural activities

Consequences Of Pollution

Consequences of pollution are listed below :-

  1. Pollution can cause respiratory disease, throat inflammation, lungs problem, burning sensation in eyes. carbon monoxide present in the polluted air enters the blood and combines with hemoglobin leading to slow down the circulation of blood. people died immaturely each and every year in India because of pollution.
  2. Air pollution can leads to a wider range of disease.
  3. Pollution damage crops and trees.
  4. Pollution reduce visibility and block sunlight.
  5. Burning fossil fuel at a wider rate to the release of harmful gases in the atmosphere.
  6. Pollution make the water unusable for drinking.
  7. Pollution harm our body physically and psychology.
  8. The smoky environment of Delhi creates problems for birds to fly.
  9. Pollution also affects pregnant women as it decreases cardiovascular functioning and leads to premature birth, Low birth weight.
  10. It can cause also eye Inflammation and Uveitis.

Steps to protect environment of Delhi

Steps to protect environment of Delhi

Following are the steps to protect environment of Delhi.

  1. Odd-Even rule-Odd-Even is a policy implemented to reduce congestion and air pollution. This restricts vehicles to traffic based on the last digit of their license plate number. this helps in reducing pollution by decreasing of vehicles on the road
  2. Ban on waste burning -Banning waste burning is an important step towards reducing air pollution and environmental damage. It may help reduce harmful emissions. such restrictions often to promote better waste management practices, thereby protecting both human health and the environment
  3. Use a cleaner fuel-Solar-powered lanterns, biogas lamps, LPG lamps, solar panel help in reducing the pollution .
  4. Use electric vehicles- Using electric vehicles helps in reducing pollution significantly. electric vehicle reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, improving air quality and public health.
  5. Construction regulation- Lot of dust spread in atmosphere while doing construction work which creates problem to the environment that’s why construction work always should be done under covering to protect the environment from dust.
  6. plastic bags should be ban- Plastic is non-biodegradable waste that pollute the environment. Government should be ban on the use of plastic bag. it can help to reduce environmental pollution.
  7. Use of CNG and LPG instead of petrol and diesel CNG and LPG are cleaner-burning. they produces less emissions, reducing air pollution and contribute to a cleaner environment of Delhi
  8. Banning crackers- Banning firecrackers can help reduce various environmental issues including air and noise pollution. it is a measure focus to reducing harmful emissions, protecting public health and maintain the environment.
  9. Use public transport- Use public transport instead of personal vehicle is a great way to reduce traffic congestion and reduce pollution in Delhi. This helps in cleaning the environment of Delhi. relax during your journey, save money on fuel and parking and sometimes even avoid the stress of driving in traffic.


Environment of Delhi is a pressing global issues with far-reaching consequences for our planet. It encompasses various forms of contamination, including air, water noise and soil pollution .The adverse effects of pollution are evident in deteriorating air quality, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, and adverse impact on environment of Delhi and health impacts on human and ecosystems.

Addressing environmental pollution is an urgent imperative for the well-being of current and future generation. It demands collective efforts, responsible and waste. Additionally, promoting Lifestyles and renewable energy sources can significantly mitigate pollution.

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